Don’t give your home away!
Here at NHI we know having your home repossessed can be a depressing and disheartening experience. Walking away from a home with nothing to show for it except a bad credit rating that could stop you buying another house is something we all want to avoid if at all possible. |
Despite their best efforts, sometimes lenders have to take possession of houses to protect their investment, but this presents its own problems both to them and, most importantly, to you |
We offer a homebuying service that is unique in the industry. Like others, will we buy your home from you so you can pay off your mortgage and keep your credit rating and dignity intact, but we also offer unique packages to suit you and your circumstances including: |
Sell your house quickly and pay off your mortgage within a month
Stay at home rent-free for a year
Buy-back at a discount when you are ready
Contact Us Here to find out how easy it can be to stop repossession in its tracks! |